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A collectible hardcover edition of Julia Alvarezs modern Latinx classic about four sisters known as Las Mariposas, or the Butterflies, who fought to liberate the Dominican Republic from Rafael Trujillos dictatorship, featuring a new foreword by Maxine Hong Kingston
A Penguin Vitae Edition
It is November 25, 1960, and three sisters have been found near their wrecked Jeep at the bottom of a 150-foot cliff on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. The official state newspaper reports their deaths as accidental. It does not mention that a fourth sister lives. Nor does it explain that the sisters were among the leading opponents of the dictatorship of General Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. It doesnt have to. Everybody knows of Las Mariposasthe Butterflies.
In this extraordinary novel, the voices of all four sistersMinerva, Patria, María Teresa, and the survivor, Dedéspeak across the decades to tell their own stories, from secret crushes to gunrunning, and to describe the everyday horrors of life under Trujillos rule. Through the art and magic of Julia Alvarezs storytelling, the martyred Butterflies live again in this novel of courage, love, and the human cost of political oppression.
Penguin Vitaeloosely translated as Penguin of ones lifeis a deluxe hardcover series from Penguin Classics celebrating a dynamic and diverse landscape of classic fiction and nonfiction from seventy-five years of classics publishing. Penguin Vitae provides readers with beautifully designed classics that have shaped the course of their lives, and welcomes new readers to discover these literary gifts of personal inspiration, intellectual engagement, and creative originality.