- Editorial:
- Materia:
- Ciencia - STEM
- 978-1-107-00619-5
Brief Description:
A state-of-the-art overview of natural hazard risk assessment, for researchers and professionals in natural-hazard science, risk management and environmental science.
Table of Contents:
List of contributors; Preface; 1. Risk and uncertainty assessment in natural hazards L. J. Hill, R. S. J. Sparks and J. C. Rougier; 2. Quantifying natural hazard risk J. C. Rougier; 3. Model limitations: the sources and implications of epistemic uncertainty J. C. Rougier and K. J. Beven; 4. Expert elicitation and judgment W. P. Aspinall and R. M. Cooke; 5. Risk and uncertainty in hydrometeorological hazards T. L. Edwards and P. G. Challenor; 6. Hydrometeorological hazards under future climate change T. L. Edwards and P. G. Challenor; 7. Hydrological flood uncertainty and risk research J. Freer, K. J. Beven, J. Neal, G. Schumann, J. Hall and P. Bates; 8. Uncertainties in probabilistic seismic hazard assessment W. P. Aspinall; 9. Landslide and avalanche hazards T. K. Hincks, W. P. Aspinall, R. S. J. Sparks, E. A. Holcombe and M. Kern; 10. Tsunami hazard and risk T. K. Hincks, R. S. J. Sparks and W. P. Aspinall; 11. Risk and uncertainty assessment of volcanic hazards R. S. J. Sparks, W. P. Aspinall, H. S. Crosweller and T. K. Hincks; 12. Risk assessment and management of wildfires T. K. Hincks, B. D. Malamud, R. S. J. Sparks, M. J. Wooster and T. J. Lynham; 13. Technological facilities, infrastructure and hazardous materials, including some notes on space weather R. S. J. Sparks, W. P. Aspinall, N. A. Chapman, B. E. Hill, D. J. Kerridge, J. Pooley and C. A. Taylor; 14. Statistical aspects of risk characterization in ecotoxicology G. L. Hickey and A. Hart; 15. Social science perspectives on natural hazards risk and uncertainty S. Cornell and M. Jackson; 16. Human responses to natural hazard risk: considerations for improving the effectiveness of risk management systems H. S. Crosweller and J. Wilmshurst; Index.
Contributor Bio: Rougier, Jonathan
Jonathan Rougier is a Reader in Statistics at the University of Bristol. He specialises in uncertainty assessment for complex systems, notably environmental systems such as climate and natural hazards. He has made several important contributions in the statistical field of computer experiments, including general approaches for representing model limitations, informal and formal approaches to model calibration and multivariate emulation for expensive models, such as climate models. Dr Rougier's recent and current collaborations include climate prediction and palaeo-climate reconstruction, ice-sheet modelling and sea-level rise, and inference for dynamical systems such as glacial cycles, avalanches and hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Contributor Bio: Sparks, Steve
Steve Sparks is a Professorial Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. He is a volcanologist with interests in hazard and risk assessment, and his research includes the physics of volcanic eruptions and fluid dynamics of hazardous volcanic flows. He is the world's most highly cited scientist in volcanology and a former President of the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior. Professor Sparks has been involved in hazard and risk assessment with advice for governments for volcanic emergencies, including during the eruption of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, and the emergencies related to volcanic ash from Iceland in 2010. He was on the planning committee of the Integrated Research into Disasters Reduction programme of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and is currently joint leader of the Global Volcano Model project.
Contributor Bio: Hill, Lisa
Lisa Hill is an Associate Professor in the School of History and Politics at the University of Adelaide.