In A Sociopath's Guide to Friendship, Stephan Pastis's award-winning Pearls Before Swine gang makes life miserable for one another as only this motley menagerie of Pig, Zebra, Goat, and carnivorous crocs can do.
Featuring Pastis's cuttingly sarcastic wit, A Sociopath's Guide to Friendship offers a funny take on the dark side of friendship as shown through Pearls Before Swine cartoons juxtaposed with sappy photographs and snippy quotes. Consider the following:
* Friendships are like rainbows. They go away.
* You can't put a price on a friend. Which is too bad. I'd like to sell mine.
* There is no greater joy in life than the simple act of laughing with a friend. Except laughing at him. That rocks.
From friends expanding each other's vocabulary with words like "shmulky shlumperdik," to true friendships lasting a lifetime (like chronic back pain), Pastis emphasizes that all jesting aside, "It's nice to have friends."