3-D EXPLORER: SOLAR SYSTEM (Libro en papel)

Q. 180
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A partir de 9 años

Blast off for a spectacular 3-D tour of the solar system--from the infernal surface of the sun to the deepest, darkest reaches of space. Filled with engaging text, dazzling images, and diagrams throughout, 3-D Explorer: Solar System features five out-of-this-world pop-up scenes with cool metallic effects that really bring the secrets of space to life. This new title in the popular 3-D Explorer series is a kid's ultimate guide to the mysteries of space. Young astronomers will explore each of the solar system's regions in detail, discover the planets, comets, and asteroids, experience the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing, hitch a ride on the International Space Station, and even traverse the dusty red surface of Mars. No rocket or space suits are needed to embark on this educational, entertaining mission! Kids, grab your helmets! It's time to explore the secrets of the natural world--layer by layer--with these innovative new titles. Written and researched by scientists in the field, these books take young naturalists far beneath the world's oceans, deep into the rain forests, and to outer space, where they can discover all of the amazing plants, animals, and planets and asteroids that call these mysterious places home. Each book features five dramatic 3-D pop-up panoramas with transparent layers that reveal the different zones of these unique habitats.